Thursday 24 May 2012

Take 5 (minutes, and see this)

Using a Google image search, find out who this represents and from which play she hails!


  1. i have watched this 5 times now and i find it very interesting and learnt something everytime
    but i dont understand who it supose to represent
    sorry :/

  2. Hahahaha i had to watch this clip more than once i agree with Jess on that!!

    I certainly did not know what to belive or not to believe as these two people where talking after they said "shakespeare was a freat american playwirght" i found my self rewinded the clip to make sure i heard it right and that i was not hearing things! after that i as bewildered with amazing pictures that could have a variety of meanings and perspective with a commentary about the pictures underlines with ephumism and puns such as the bit about the middleeast invasion and how shakespeare predicted the something about the taliban and then said it was spelled with a "c" i just dint know what to believe in the end.

    This video made me question the information you get from authority and how we fail to not questions these so called facts that could be opinions as the so called Professionals kept emphasising they where shakespeare professionals!, i think most of the clip was based on thier type of humour for people who have an idea on shakespeare to be able to laugh a the jokes that were made!

    1. Those point you touched on about Taliban and living American Playwright, I had the same experience and one point I was thinking, erm okay are they being seriouse. Yep either there idiots or I fell for their routine.

  3. Okay, comical yes; however I agree with Jess. Who this is meant to represent is beyond me. I would just like to say however the final picture showing the response to Shakespere was very funny as it probbaly could be applied to anything.

  4. First off; I like their facetious style of speak and their use off presumed obviously incorrect knowledge to add humour to what could very easily have been a boring and laborious topic.
    Though a lot of their information was false in order to achieve comedy, a lot of it was also correct (Or what I assume to be correct) for example, They mention that Shakespeare painting are modelled after Californian males, well this cannot be true as most of the paintings depicting Shakespeare would have been fashioned around his life time in order for them to be accurate, however since Shakespeare died around the very early 17th century and America was only "Founded" in the last few years of the 15th century, I doubt their would have been many inhabitants of California, especially not as we know them today as is presumably what these gentlemen are trying to say.
    As to the picture, I cannot see it, only a large white square with a little broken link in the middle but I assume it is the picture at the and with the bright array of colours and a strange sense of colour placement?
    I do not know what this paining is called and have tried searching on Google images for it but am unable to find it.

  5. ive just watched this another 2 time and i still carnt figure out who it represent and what play she hails but everytime i watch/ liaten to it i find something that always makes me laugh :/
