Sunday, 15 January 2012

Wish You Were There

Go to…

Read through the blog and try to imagine what it must have been like to attend these workshops.  From the writer’s tone he clearly felt it was a very important and moving experience; a privilege.

Pick a part you find interesting, copy and paste a short extract into a post and write a few lines about your reasons for selecting it.


  1. "Negativity destroys talent. Much of this morning reflects back on the problem of fear for the actor. If you care too much about how you appear, it impairs your ability to be spontaneous. You have to not care" taking from july 22nd moning session

    i picked this becuase after reading the extract i relased that if you care on what people are going to thing about you when you on stage you not going to be able to preform to the best of you ability or get far in life for that matter. so the key thing is to not to care what they thing becasue then youll get further in and prefom to your best.

  2. "Search for the ELUSIVE OBVIOUS. Whatever seems the most worthless to you is at the heart of you."

    This is quite interesting though I am suspicious as to whether it is true.
    May have to think about this at a later date.

  3. "Keith states his belief that everyone is amazingly talented. When things don't work, you wonder what went wrong. He notes that You don't teach spontenaity, you try and remove the obstacles."

    While I'm sure we've happened across this statement in the past, I think it's a real morale booster for the struggling theatre student, perhaps having trouble with things such as stage exercises.

    Basically, it tells me that we all have the potential to make improv work and to continue a scene, and even if we corpse or become unable to think of anything, there are reasons for it and it's just a matter of finding out what they are and working to eliminate them.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "If you are a wonderful improviser, you screw up less often, but you still screw up"
    It is a simple quote and this is a some answer but I feel that it is important as well, I think it is important to keep the is mind so fear does not take over and the performance weakened also this can be used in other area as no one can be perfect and you must make mistakes to learn.
